Dialect Service

This loco enhancement proposal (LEP) discusses how to permit a loco graph without canonical dialect.


Date Status
2019/09/03 Proposed


One of key design principles behind loco is to allow users (= NN compiler writers) to easily define their own intermediate representation (IR) on top of shared infrastructure.

Unfortunately, however, there is a gap between dream and reality. It is currently impossible to create a loco graph only with non-canonical dialects; there is no way to express the interaction between graph-level output without canonical.Push node.

This proposal aims to remove this restriction in order to bridge the gap between dream and reality.


Each dialect is now allowed to expose its internal to its client (such as transformations and core algorithms) through a so-called “Service” interface.

Although this proposal focuses on output_nodes helper in loco.core, its coverage is not limited to this helper. Any pass and algorithm can take an advantage of this generic infrastructure.

Let us dive into some details.

What is “service”?

A service declares a collection of APIs that each client (not dialect) needs.

Let us consider output_nodes. output_nodes needs to check whether a node is associated with any graph-level output.

Here is one possible service design that satisfies this need.

virtual bool associated(const Node *node) const = 0;
virtual GraphOutputIndex index(const Node *node) const = 0;

How to declare a service

All of these service interfaces should inherit loco::DialectService interface that loco.core defines.

struct DialectService
  virtual ~DialectService() = default;

For example, it is possible to declare the service that output_nodes needs as follows:

struct GraphOutputIndexQueryService : public DialectService
  virtual ~GraphOutputIndexQueryService() = default;

  virtual bool associated(const Node *node) const = 0;
  virtual GraphOutputIndex index(const Node *node) const = 0;

How to access a service

This proposal extends Dialect class with service method.

Each dialect SHOULD return a valid pointer on service<Service> method call if it implements that service. Otherwise, it SHOULD return a null pointer otherwise.

WARNING It is impossible to use get. get is currently reserved for singleton accessor.

Given a GraphOutputIndexQueryService, it is possible to revise output_nodes as follows:

std::vector<loco::Node *> output_nodes(loco::Graph *g)
  std::map<GraphOutputIndex, loco::Node *> table;

  for (uint32_t n = 0; n < g->nodes()->size(); ++n)
    auto node = g->nodes()->at(n);

    if (auto service = node->dialect()->service<GraphOutputIndexQueryService>())
      if (service->associated(node))
        auto output_index = service->index(node);
        assert(table.find(output_index) == table.end());
        table[output_index] = node;

  std::vector<loco::Node *> res;

  for (uint32_t n = 0; n < g->outputs()->size(); ++n)
    auto it = table.find(n);
    // NOTE This behavior originates from the current implementation of output_nodes
    res.emplace_back(it == table.end() ? nullptr : it->second);

  return res;

PLEASE NOTE THAT output_nodes now works with all the dialects that implement GraphOutputIndexQueryService.

How to register a service

Each dialect should invoke protected service method during its construction.

  std::unique_ptr<Impl> impl = ...;