Model IR (MIR)


This library exposes NNC’s model IR to the outer tools (currently Mirunner).

Design philosophy

MIR was designed to support a multiple-frontend NN compiler/optimizer.


The high level overview of MIR is:

  • operations are a composition of their inputs, outputs and special attributes specific to different operation types.
  • operations can have multiple inputs and multiple outputs, each output can be an input to more than one operation (can be used in more than one operation).
  • the kernel tensors are represented by ConstantOp and are linked to operations via Input objects.

Mir has a protobuf serializer/deserializer for shapes and tensors (see mir.proto schema).

For list of currently supported operations, see mir/ops/operations.lst.h.

How to use

Can be included as a CMake target.


  • Expand serialization
  • Add More to readme


Mir depends on adtitas library, which provides the small_vector data type.