
What is tfkit?

tfkit is a tool for manipulating TensorFlow model files.

Tutorial: How to use?

Currently it supports two operations, decode and encode.

nncc$ path_to_tfkit/tfkit
ERROR: COMMAND is not provided

USAGE: path_to_tfkit/tfkit [COMMAND] ...


decode reads a binary graphdef file and shows its textual form.

encode is the reverse of decode, it reads a textual graphdef file and prints its binary form.

unpack decodes tensor value in byte encoded string in tensor_content field to human readable list of float values. currently only supports textual graphdef files.

pack is the reverse of unpack. this can be used to change the values for debugging. also currently only supports textual graphdef files.

Each command can read from or print to the console or from/to a file if given through the argument. First argument is used as an input file path and second as a output file path. If second argument is omitted, output is the console. To give the first argument as a console, please use -.


Example to decode

nncc$ cat my_awesome_model.pb | path_to_tfkit/tfkit decode > decoded.pbtxt
nncc$ cat my_awesome_model.pb | path_to_tfkit/tfkit decode - decoded.pbtxt
nncc$ path_to_tfkit/tfkit decode my_awesome_model.pb > decoded.pbtxt
nncc$ path_to_tfkit/tfkit decode my_awesome_model.pb decoded.pbtxt

Above four examples for decode command gives the same result. This applies to other commands.

Example to encode

nncc$ cat decoded.pbtxt | path_to_tfkit/tfkit encode > encoded.pb

Example to unpack

nncc$ cat packed.pbtxt | path_to_tfkit/tfkit unpack > unpacked.pbtxt

Example to pack

nncc$ cat unpacked.pbtxt | path_to_tfkit/tfkit pack > packed.pbtxt