
dredd-rule-lib is a library that defines functions to run dredd tests, which checks non-functional aspect of compiled files.


Assume that we want to check the size of generated tflite file to be less than 1024 Bytes. In such case, we’d like to use the following terms:

  • “metric” : file size
  • “rule” : file size < 1024
  • “metric function”: file_size that returns size of a compiled tflite file

Models (input of test) exist in model repo, where

  • “model repo” : directory where models exist. For tf2tflite-dredd-pbtxt-test, model repo is res/TensorFlowTests.

Metrics supported

The following metric functions are provided:

  • all_op_count : the count of operations inside a compiled tflite file
  • file_size : the size of compiled tflite file
  • In addition, op_count, conv2d_weight_not_constant, etc.
  • Please , refer to rule-lib.sh for metric functions

Rule file

To be a target of dredd-tests, a .rule file must exist in a model directory. Please refer to res/TensorFlowTests/NET_0025/tflite_1.0_rel_requirement.rule for an example.

Naming convention of rule file

Note that the file name tflite_1.0_rel_requirement.rule is our convention containing the information below:

  • Generated file type (tflite)
  • SDK version (1.0_rel)
  • Purpose (requirement)

How do all these work?

For tf2tflite-dredd-pbtxt-test, (tf2circle-dredd-pbtxt-test works similarly)

model repo                                   tf2tflite-dredd-pbtxt-test
    ├── test.pbtxt  ---------------------->  converted to NET_0025.pb, and then NET_0025.tflite
    |                                       /|\
    ├── test.info ---------------------------+
    |   (input/output info of model)
    └── tflite_1.0_rel_requirement.rule -->  running rule file against tflite --> pass or fail
                          dredd-rule-lib               | (using)
                      ----------------------           |
                          rule-lib.sh                  |
                            - defining rule function --+

For tf2tflite-dredd-pb-test, (tf2circle-dredd-pb-test works similarly)

model repo                                   tf2tflite-dredd-pb-test
    ├── model.pb  ------------------------>  converted to Inception_v3.tflite
    |                                       /|\
    ├── model.info --------------------------+
    |   (input/output info of model)
    └── tflite_1.0_rel_requirement.rule -->  running rule file against tflite --> pass or fail
                          dredd-rule-lib               | (using)
                      ----------------------           |
                          rule-lib.sh                  |
                            - defining rule function --+

Model repo and How to add a model as a target of a dredd-test.

For tf2tflite-dredd-pbtxt-test and tf2circle-dredd-pbtxt-test, model repo is res/TensorFlowTests.

To add a model into these tests, the model directory name should be added into one of the following files:

  • test.lst : This file resides in git
  • test.local.lst : This file is ignored by git. Use this for personal purpose.

For tf2tflite-dredd-pb-test and tf2circle-dredd-pb-test, model repo is tf2tflite-dredd-pb-test/contrib and .tf2circle-dredd-pb-test/contrib respectively.

Use these tests for binary models in large size.

To add a model into these tests, the model directory name should be added into the following file:

  • contrib.lst : This file is ignored by git.